A discussion on how long after exposure to coronavirus, a person can be contagious or get infected. In this situation, as reported by scientists and medical researches online, they indicated that as the virus is very new and finding the exact nature of the virus is on the process at CDC and other certified virus research labs.
What is the exact incubation period for the coronavirus disease?
As reported by WHO, The incubation or the infection period for the coronavirus diseases after exposure ranges between 5-6 days and 14 days. This period represents A pre-symptomatic infection period in which the disease can be locally transmitted and if not stopped at local transmission level, the disease may spread to the community, and greater risk of handling the virus may occur.
Is sore throat a coronavirus symptom?
Yes, sore throat is one of the symptoms of coronavirus infection. Other symptoms to be noticed includes fever, dry cough, and tiredness. Furthermore, some less common symptoms to remember consist of aches and pains, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, loss of taste or smell, a rash on skin or decolorization of fingers and toes, etc.
How to stop exposure to coronavirus?
To fight or prevent the transmission of disease from one person to another, one must need to follow social distancing, avoid public gathering, go out for only necessary things alone as possible, etc,.
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