This page will give detailed information about how long can you live with asbestos and what are the symptoms of asbestosis cancer. Before we begin, let's know what is asbestosis and how it causes Lung cancer.
Asbestos inhalation in factories causes asbestosis and its symptoms are the same as mesothelioma cancer disease. The treatment of asbestosis cancer is a risk and it depends on the stages of infection. Moreover, Everything can be a cure in the early period A victim's family can also consult lawyers or attorneys to claim compensation at the asbestos trust fund. However, The family member may get financial contributions from the trust for the misdeeds.
How long can you live with asbestosis?
The very much dangerous substance is the asbestos dust that comes from mines and factories. Even floor, walls, and roof with such substances creates problem if used for a longer period of time. The longer a person inhaled a large quantity of asbestos dust/aerosol drop, the sooner he/she will experience asbestosis symptoms like
Types of asbestos and its treatment?
Asbestos is of two types. That is blue asbestos and white asbestos. So to cure the asbestosis, one must take proper care
while at work in factories and industries. Even tiles, cement, etc, with chrysotile nature, can cause causative agents of mesothelioma lung cancer. But using of mask in such cases might help you a lot in preventing inhalation of tiny asbestos fibers which has spread in the air. The aerosol droplets are very much poisonous if inhaled for a long time.